Welcome the new season with our Spring Equinox Balance Challenge! Shake off the winter months and center yourself around rebirth & growth with Jill! During the month of March, five Vinyasa and five Yoga Sculpt classes will be released to our Video On Demand page. All classes will be devoted to achieving balance through core strength and centering yourself. All classes will be released by March 20th 2022, the Spring Equinox.
So why is this equinox so important? During the Spring Equinox, the Earth returns to a place of perfect balance. Day & night are equal, the light & the dark, bringing the return of some much needed balance into your own life.
Join Jill in this series of balance to flow with the rebirth of nature to lift your spirit and make a fresh start! https://www.thecyclingyogi.com/tcy-video-library/