with Paula Stephens

Sundays ~ 4:30-5:30pm
(4 weeks ~ Nov 7, 14, 21, Dec 5)
The past 18 months have been difficult for everyone in one way or another. In response, our bodies have shifted into a more ‘alert’ state of being flooding our system with stress hormones that exhaust our bodies and minds. As a result, we need to relearn how to down-regulate our nervous systems and reset to be at ease – even, and especially, in times of stress.
Join us for this 4-week series on Sunday afternoons. We will use a gentle and simple yoga practice to settle the body so that we can then tend to the garden of the mind and grow our mindfulness. A small group setting will allow us to get the full benefit of practicing and learning together in the compassionate care of one another.
Each week we will explore an aspect of mindfulness that will help us understand and integrate the skill of being mindful in our own lives. The focus will be on compassion for self and others, cultivating a loving-kindness practice, and being aware of how our bodies are responding moment to moment.
· Short yoga practice to settle the body
· Mindfulness lesson
· Meditation & discussion
60 minute class 1x/week
$108 non-members | $88 members